
Sunday, 6 November 2011

Pamukkale (Hierapolis)

In the vicinity of Denizli, Pamukkale is located. Pamukkale is one of the most beautiful natural landscapes of Turkey and therefore one of the most popular destinations in Turkey. The hotels are mainly in Pamukkale wellness.
His name was the place through his Kalkterrassen that look as if they were completely covered by snow.pamukkalepamukkale2pamukkale3pamukkale4pamukkale5pamukkale6
The terraces are over millennia by calcareous thermal sources and now a major tourist attraction, the terraces are on the list of World Heritage by UNESCO.
The thermal springs cause the heating of individual small pools on the slopes. From the hot springs water flows kalkhaltiges on each terrace steps down. If the hot water cools, stores, the allegation contained lime on the levels, like a stalactite cave.
To have evolved over the millennia, many small pools formed by the water and catch it over the edge to continue to let go. The farther the water away from the source, the more it cools itself.
Therefore, the water in the basin various different temperatures. The ancient Romans came to Pamukkale, in order to reach the hot springs to relax, to relax or to several complaints (such as rheumatism) auszukurieren.
From the Roman era were also the ruins on the site. Beautiful is the play of color in Pamukkale in varying light during the sunset.
Ancient city of Hierapolis
The city of Hierapolis is in Greek called the Holy City. Yet little is known about their history, their origin. One thing is sure, without the sources here would never be a city emerged. To 190 BC created by today’s Pamukkale Eumenes II of Pergamon. Here, the Roman bathing two thousand years ago originate in Asia Minor found. The city had estimated 100,000 inhabitants.
Marmorkapitelle point to the importance of Hierapolis out, it was the center of the Kybelekultes, the veneration of the great Mother Earth. Also the thermal water was because of its curative effect revered. The remains of nymphaeum can guess the size: A widely visible fountain. The theater of the city is the best preserved venue in Asia Minor and offered some 15,000 spectators.
Hierapolis, an ancient spa, where nature and art to complement the best. Until now the place has none of its fascination ever.
Even though the city, like an old Kybelekult allegedly shows probably already existed, the oldest evidence comes from the 3rd Century BC, when Antiochus II through newly created, as well as its neighboring city Laodikeia on Lycus. Older urban tracks are covered by Travertinschichten.
Through earthquakes, the city was destroyed 17 AD, but then in extended form rebuilt. In the first and second century, thermal baths, fountains, theaters and temples. From this era also the numerous tombs and graves in the vicinity (necropolis).
All the buildings survived the war between the Turks and Byzantines until they 1334 by an earthquake completely destroyed. From 4 Century AD, it has become a Christian center. The reason was that in the years 80 AD one of the apostles of Jesus, St. Philip, was murdered here. The church father Papias of Hierapolis was here in the second century bishop.
After 5 Century AD, the city was in the west, south and east of the city walls. The largest part of the walls are destroyed.
The great Roman plant
Today, the complex only by massive walls and some vaults have been preserved. The inner part of the bath was made of marble. The plan of the bath is just like the other Roman baths.
The remains of the bath are from the 2nd Century n. Chr.und are now partially used as a museum.
It is a building that is on a hillside anlehnt. The construction work began after the earthquake from the year 60 AD and ended the year 206 AD The theater has 50 seats with 8 stairs. A Diosomaia, which is in the midst of Cavean, committing one to two pages with vaults. Between the pillars and statues are behind the stage are inlaid marble.
The city was in the south of Lake Çürüksu (Lycus) built. Ancient sources report that the city between 261-263 BC by Antiokhos II was built and the name of his wife Laodikeia the city council.
Laodikeia is I. century. BC is the most important and famous city of Anatolia. Large works of art come from the city this time. The Romans made this city the center of Kýbyra (Gölhisar-Horzum) Conventus.
The buildings of Laodikeia The Grand Theater is located in the northeast of the ancient city, according to the terrain, it is in Roman style. The stage is totally destroyed, the seats of the guests and the orchestra are well preserved. It is about for about 20,000 persons.
The small theater small theater located northeast of the large theater. According to the site is also in Roman style. The scene (stage) is completely destroyed, the Cavea and the orchestra is partially destroyed. It is about for about 15,000 persons.
Stadium and gymnasium are located in the southeast of the city. The additional construction of the stadium and gymnasium together form a single unit. 79 AD after the stadium was built and is 350m long and 60m wide. The amphitheater has 24 seats. The most part is destroyed. The Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus liegtt pillars in the east of the road, between the small theater and nymphaeum (monumental fountain).
The large church is located in the south of the pillars road. Only the carrier is well preserved. The main entrance is in the west of the church.

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